Steak Sandwich
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Step 1: Preheat the oven to 220C and cook beetroot as per above.
Step 2: Firstly, bake the beetroot by wrapping in foil and place in oven for 40 minutes. Remove from the oven, allow to cool, then rub off skins. Set aside.
Step 3: Place a fry pan over medium heat, add Extra Virgin Olive oil and then the piece of seasoned beef (the thickness of the beef will determine the cooking time and temperature). Remove from pan leave to rest in a warmish place for 6-8 minutes.
Step 4: To prepare the rocket mayonnaise, place the egg yolks, Verjuice, mustard and salt into a high speed blender. When amalgamated, pour in the combined oils very slowly with the motor running until the mixture becomes thick and creamy. Adjust consistency and seasoning with pepper, salt and finish with herbs.
Step 5: Toast the bread then drizzle with Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Step 6: Place the caramelised onion onto 4 slices of bread, top with the rocket leaves, slices of the rested beef, 2 slices of beetroot, a generous dollop of rocket mayonnaise and finally the last piece of toasted bread. Serve immediately.
1 beetroot
400g rump steak
1 cup young rocket leaves
Rocket Mayonniase
1 tspn dijon mustard
1/2 cup grapeseed oil