Maggie Beer

Maggie’s Kitchen Diary

2014 South Australian Regional Awards

October 08 2014 News

We never said we were above a little bragging session here at the Farm Shop, and never more so than when it's for 'one of our own'. We've just had news that Maggie's daughters' beautiful function centre "The Farm" has won the gong for outstanding achievements, demonstrating excellence in the Tourism category as part of the 2014 South Australian Regional Awards. Our warmest congratulations to Saskia and Elli - wonderful news! Read the rest...

Restaurant Australia Campaign!

October 06 2014 News

I LOVED having the chance to launch the whole Restaurant Australia Campaign Read the rest...

Welcome Spring!

October 06 2014 Food wise

Here at Maggie Beer, we’re more than keen for any excuse to celebrate, but especially so when the warm weather of Spring reawakens our thoughts of spreading a blanket on the grass and picnic-ing our way through an afternoon in the sun! Read the rest...

Good Things Come In Small Packages

September 11 2014 New products

We all know good things come in small packages - we just didn’t realise how good, until Maggie put her beautiful non-alcoholic Sparkling Ruby Cabernet into a piccolo bottle. With the very same bead of Champagne and mouth feel of a good wine that we have come to know and love in its bigger sibling, the piccolo is a delicious option for Summer barbecues, picnics, or tucked into an esky to enjoy at the beach - just add a straw! Read the rest...

Maggie Talks about provenance and labelling.

August 22 2014 Food wise Video

Maggie Beer Products has been in recent discussion with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) about food labelling and food provenance. The ACCC brought to our attention that the labels on four product lines could mislead consumers into thinking they were made in the Barossa Valley. It has absolutely never been our intention for this to be the case. Read the rest...


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