Maggie Beer

Maggie’s Kitchen Diary

The Living Room...

November 26 2014 Food wise

Maggie had the pleasure to cook with the crazy bull Chef Miguel Maestre at the Farm Shop in the studio kitchen yesturday. Read the rest...

Creative Stamp

November 25 2014 Food wise

Improvisation is key to everything I do and while you may make some mistakes along the way, it is the most wonderful way to cook for all the delicious surprises that pop up and can quickly become staple dishes you rely on again and again. It allows you to put your creative stamp on everything you cook. Read the rest...

Food Memories

November 24 2014 Food wise

I grew up in a household where food was always important and I'm not sure if I was three or four years old but the memory is so vivid; we lived at the time at Rose Bay, Sydney, just up the road from the flying boat squadron. There had been a huge storm buffeting the shore, then a black out. Mum had candles burning within minutes as we huddled around the small kitchen table and she served us golden syrup dumplings. Was it the smell, the taste, the feeling of safety? I'm not sure but not only is it my first food memory but it was the only time Mum ever cooked them and yet even just talking about them my whole body smiles. Read the rest...


November 24 2014 News

On Friday night at the 2014 South Australian Food Industry Program Awards Maggie Beer Products was inducted into the San Remo Hall of Fame. Read the rest...

Maggie's Gift Giving....

November 18 2014 News

At Maggie Beer, we believe there are things that should never be compromised – like quality and flavour – but that doesn’t mean you have to do all the hard work! As a further addition to Maggie’s popular gourmet range she has hand picked a bounty of her latest favourites to add extra cheer to this Christmas. Read the rest...


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